Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nikki, Zandy, Jessica, Shyam and Ruby.

1.) Gatsby- Festers like a sore and then run. His dream hurts him for years and just continues to hurt like a sore and is renewed every time he looks at daisy like walking on a sore

2.) Daisey- Explode. daisy sees all her dreams explode around her, with the two men she cares about realizing about each other

3.) Tom- Stink like rotten meat. tom had what he wanted but his jealousy stinks and ruins those around him.

4.) Myrtle- Crusts and sugar over like a syrupy treat. her dreams are built on good intentions but to much of a good thing will ruin

5.) Nick- dries like a raisin in the sun. he watches his dreams shrivel up and die slowly through the whole chapter
 <--- (:

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