Sunday, October 23, 2011

The American Dream Today

Is the American Dream still possible today? Currently, protestors in "Occupy Wall Street" are fighting for what they believe is their rights to the American Dream. Is their cause right? Do they have the right idea of our Forefathers' intention for the American Dream?

Read the articles from the links below and comment on whether you believe the American Dream is still possible today.


  1. brendan

    the protesters are really giving a hard time


    This shows how much ordinary middle class people are struggling with everyday life, people can not live like this much longer. This is very far from what the "American Dream" in which our forefathers had intended for us.

    The American Dream is still possible, only if we can make a big change in wall street.

  3. For Americans today the American dream is money. The people of America are starting to feel and see the effects of debt. Not only are the youth of America protesting but all ages are also against the government. Men coming home from the war are seeing what the government is doing and they feel that they have seen the enemy for the first time.

  4. brendan

    these people and protesters seem to have almost the exact same ideas as our four fathers when it comes to the american dream, they really want to get their point across or it looks like they wont be going home.

  5. Though people are struggling the American dream is still possible, it just takes a group of people that voice their opinions. With more people that support the way things were back then. With change that will not happen over night, I believe that the American dream can be restored.

    Emily Smith

  6. The American Dream is still possible in today's society. The protesters do have the right ideal about the American Dream as our Forefathers did, and their causes are right

  7. I believe that if someone looks closley they can still find the American dream. I believe that #occupy wall street is unorganized and unsure in their goals. I believe that most of the people involved in this protest are jealous of the one percent of Americans who are set for life, with taking time to understand the work that they've put in to earning their savings. If the people protesting on wall street were as needy as they say than they wouldnt be on Wall Street they would be looking for jobs to support their American dream, so that one day they can be part of the one percent.

  8. The American Dream is still possible, but only if We the people try to reach this dream. I think the protestors have want what the forfathers had in mind but unless everyone helps(including the government)the dream is, well, just a dream.

  9. I believe the American dream is possible where there are people willing to put forth the effort and fight for it

  10. Depending on what the American Dream is to you, it can only be possible if you make it. Rich and fame is not always the American Dream for some but its only what makes you happy and what you want to accomplish in your life time.
    Tyler Robson


    In this post it says that the american dream is much more tahn just material plenty. That it is a spirit dimension and it is still possible. The pursuit of the american dream is the pusuit of happiness. And this happiness still excist, but there are many things that must happen on walstreet for this "american dream" to become more common instead of the 1% of america that say they have reached the American Dream
    Hunter Smith

  12. I think the American Dream is stil possible but in a way its not. People try to achieve there dreams but some can not, they go through college and have their dream in there head but when they try to find a job its hard to find a full-time job and then they really cant achieve their dream. Also people think that having everything they want would be an American Dream, but knowing that my family has what they need and they are in a safe environment is an American Dream. People take a lot for granted and some people dont even try to achieve an American Dream.

  13. people in america think that the american dream is to become rich and weathly but thats not the real american dream the real dreams is for everbody in america to have freedom and equal right which we still have that american dream is still with us.

  14. The American dream for most people at this time is money and success. For most people, this dream is almost impossible. Some people have achieved their American dream,but only a small amount of people.

  15. Yes the American Dream is still possible to obtain but we the people are so far from obtaining it that it seems impossible. The harder you work the closer you get but most Americans want everything handed to them instead of earning it.

  16. I would have to say yes; the American Dream is still possible, but it would require a lifetime of work to achieve, but it would be worth it in the end. The ends shall justify the means. As for the protesters have the right ideas about the American Dream, and their idea of it is the same as the American Forefather's American Dream, and that the protesters are justified.

  17. I don't think the American dream as it has been manipulated in today's society is still possible. It is impossible for the whole country to be successful but that doesn't mean only 1% can. But all these protests are effective they make people question things they make people uncomfortable, being comfortable in my opinion is detrimental to our society.
    -Ben Dibble

  18. I believe that the American Dream is still possibble, if the people, the 99%, educate themselves about the economy and their finances. From the articles, I gathered that many people are falling into these pits of debt because of banks tricking loaners into un-repayble payments. As the debts of the 99% increase, so do the profits of the wealthy one percent. However, by being aware of the banks' schemes, the people have to ability to avoid debts and actualize their American Dream.


  19. The American Dream is still possible today, it's just harder to find. The problem with achieving the American Dream today is due to the unevenly distributed oppurtunites in the average population. Nowadays if you don't live in an area where the oppurtunites are avaliable for everyone and you don't have the money to go to those places, you just will not succeed in achieving the American Dream.
    -Ben Jones

  20. i believe the american dream is inobtainable. humans are too full of self-worth to actually work hard for what they feel they deserve

    Ruby Perkins

  21. The american dream today revolves around obtaining excessive amounts of money and partying all night and day long with rock stars. Let alone the chance of even becoming a rock star is slim to none and nearly impossible. Our version of the american dream is irrational and senseless. But I do in fact understand why our dreams are so foolish. Our dreams are this way because we already have what we strove for in the beginning. The right to be free and equal in every way. It is because we already have so many rights we feel as if we are entitled to anything and everything we set our sights upon. This is one of the many reasons that the american dream today is crushed right from in our faces and only the people who never work for anything get lucky and 'strike it rich.' While everyone else works hard their whole life to earn money just to support themselves and their family.

  22. When you think of the American Dream today you think of fame and money. Most people today would consider money as a dream. The American Dream could still be possible but it is harder to define.

  23. The American dream is still possible, but only if you truly want it. In todays society we are ate up with money, jobs, cars, and houses, etc. If we want to fulfill the American Dream it will take a lifetime to changes us all around, but it is still possible. Our citizens will need to overlook the part of I must make my self happy and only help myself, we need to help everyone in everyway possible.


  24. The American dream can be reached today. You just have to be willing to work harder. Because of recent economy people today just have to work harder to reach the their dream. Unlike a few years ago, people didn't have to far to go to reach what they wanted to achieve. Like the protesters you have to fight if you expect to get anywhere, it is not just gonna be handed to you on a silver platter.

  25. The American is still possible, you must try to have it though. I think the protesters are doing the right thing because the goverment dont let us have a say so in anything. People should have a right to speak up and give thire opinion.

  26. I think the american dream would still be possible if americans today wasn't so greedy and didn't depend all on money and riches. In todays american dreaam, people people want money, nice cars, and expensive house, but i think if we really wanted the original american dream to be possible, we could.

  27. the american dream is possible but most people are lazy and dont want to do anything untill they see someone else do it and then after they see them do it they have to have someone help them achieve the dream of make them achieve it.
    ~stephanie watson~
